As a leader in semiconductor light applications, GOPRO has leveraged its core strengths in lighting technology to develop the Education Lighting Initiative. This comprehensive solution integrates eye-friendly lighting and air purification, establishing an intelligent control system for healthier and more environmentally friendly campuses.


    » Industry Status

    Global Presence: Since 2013, GOPRO eye-friendly lamps have expanded overseas, with products distributed across markets in Europe, North America, and Australia.

    Overseas Market Share: In 2021, our flat panel lights accounted for over 40% of the market share in the United S tates. Domestic Market: In China, we have covered 21 provinces, reaching a total of over 800 schools.


    » Healthy Classrooms

    Four-in-One Visible Light Sterilizing Eye-Care Lamp

    • China's first four-in-one eye-care lamp

    • Anti-flu / Disinfection/ Formaldehyde Removal/ Eye Protection

    » Low-Carbon Classrooms

    26W Eye-Care Classroom Lamp

    • Energy-saving: 30% lower energy consumption than standard models

    • Electricity Saving: Nationwide savings of approximately 1 billion kWh per year

    • Eye Protection: Comfortable for the eyes, no flickering, no blue light

    » Smart Classrooms

    GOPRO Healthy Smart Campus Management Platform

    • Data monitoring, real-time viewing

    • Remote operation and maintenance platform for better results and less worry

    • Home-school cooperation, shared education, and information exchange
