The comprehensive digital low-carbon energy management solution from GOPRO squarely addresses the core of the national digital and green economy. F ocusing on digitizing, net working, and intelligentizing urban low-carbon energy, it strives to meet energy conservation and emission reduction targets, echoing and advancing the national carbon reduction goals for the 14th and 15th Five-Year Plans.

Leveraging cutting-edge technologies and AI algorithms, the solution upgrades public energy facilities, driving towards energy efficiency and carbon neutrality in

alignment with national strategic objectives.

1. Upgrading energy-consuming equipment with advanced optics, ther modynamics, dynamics, and fluid mechanics technologies to achieve energy conserva tion and carbon reduction.

2. Realizing energy reuse through comprehensive multi-energy technologies.

3. Employing AI for intelligent management and monitoring of the energy consumption environment.

4. Boosting green energy usage with photovoltaic storage technology.

5. Enabling real-time information sharing and visualization on our dedicated digital platform to inform decision-making.


Energy Stewardship -Digital Low-Carbon Lighting

» Core Strengths

Ultimate Energy Savings, Industry-Leading, Aligned with National Carbon Reduction Policies

High-Efficiency, Long-Life Products, Significantly Reducing Maintenance Costs

National First Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress, Forging Competitive Barriers for the Enterprise

Digital Management System, Boosting Urban Smart Management


Smart Lighting Product Solution: Derived from the technology aw arded the National First Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress, our high-efficiency, long-life products r eplace traditional high-energy-consuming lighting. Leveraging a digital intelligent management system, we achieve secondary energy savings and significantly enhance overall energy efficienc y. In particular, our garage lighting solution boasts top-tier energy-saving rates domestically.
